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Prihoda BIM Drawing


BIM with quotes for Fabric Ducting

Prihoda have been able to provide BIM with quotes for Fabric Ducting (or 3D dxf drawings – or both!) for a few months now.  We use the open format .ifc file which can be read by lots of different software (we use BIM Vision which is free to download).  If you require BIM information to integrate Fabric […]

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Conference room air conditioning with Prihoda fabric ducting


Twycross Zoo Conference – Prihoda Fabric Ducting

Twycross Zoo Conference Room Installation When the new Twycross Zoo Himalaya Centre opened to the public the building was designed as a visitors centre and restaurant. However away from the busy main atrium space is a smaller conference room overlooking a landscaped garden and pool with a long feature window.  The room has been designed […]

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